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 —  — Instant coffee prolongs life

Instant coffee prolongs life

Rastvorimyy_kofe_prodlevaet_zhizn.jpgDrinking a cup or two of instant coffee is a tradition not only pleasant, but also useful. This is confirmed by recent studies conducted by the US National Institutes of Health. Coffee from the "The Moscow Coffee House" is filtered on multistage membrane filters during the production process, which means it is very useful. It is only important to take into account the characteristics of your body and know the measure.

As a result of experiments involving both animals and humans, it was found that instant coffee is effective in many diseases and is able to prolong life. Its moderate use (2-3 cups per day) reduces overall mortality by 20% and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of depression and suicide.

dd1-3.jpgThe drink is good for the prevention of gout and the appearance of kidney stones, type 2 diabetes mellitus and the formation of gallstones. In addition, it protects brain cells and liver from aging, protects against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, liver, kidney, colon cancer and premenopausal breast cancer. However, if you drink more than 2-3 cups of coffee a day, the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases increases.

Coffee only benefits those who, an hour after drinking it, blood pressure does not rise above normal. It is better to give it up for severe liver diseases, hypertension, glaucoma, as well as if you take some medications, in particular oral contraceptives.

In order to make sure that the drink is harmless for you, you need to pass tests to determine your genetic code. People with a certain version of it should not drink coffee if their diet contains turmeric, cumin, mint, chamomile, dandelion and St. John's wort.

Detailed information about the research results: http://nestarenie.ru/coffe.html
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